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Big Bang Is A Big Myth


So, in reality matter cannot be created or destroyed. The miracle of creation is only possible in religious mythologies such as the Big Bang theory. The Big Bang is really just pseudo-scientific creationism and it’s not really supported by any evidence as is often claimed. It was originally a way for its creator (Georges Lemaître, a Catholic priest) to insert religious concepts into science (even though he claimed to be against doing that). And that’s precisely what he did. Creatio ex nihilo is a religious concept, not a scientific one. Lemaître was invited to London in order to take part in a meeting of the British Association on the relation between the physical Universe and spirituality. There he proposed that the Universe expanded from an initial point (a singularity, aka nothing), which he called the "Primeval Atom" and developed in a report published in Nature. Lemaître himself also described his theory as "the Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation"; it became better known as the "Big Bang theory," a term coined by Fred Hoyle.

A phenomena known as ‘redshift’ is often used to try and support this theory. Redshift allegedly indicates that galaxies are being caused to move away from each other because of the ‘expansion of space’. However, there is a rational alternative to the ‘expanding space’ explanation. It's called ‘tired light’. As the vibration (wave-motion) that we perceive as 'light' propagates through it's medium (the aether), it eventually weakens, especially while having to pass through various gases and plasmas and will therefore shift to the red spectrum. (Incidentally, this also explains why the night sky isn't filled with infinite starlight. It's because light vibrations don't propagate forever, they come in contact with objects that cause the vibration to weaken.) So this 'expansion of space' idea is based off of an irrational interpretation of redshift. 'Tired light' is a rational explanation of redshift, whereas 'expanding space' is a very strange and counter-intuitive one. Rational explanations are always preferable to magical surrealistic ones.

The so-called “radiation spectrum”, a chart of the different types of ‘radiation’ (pressure waves of aether) ordered by increasing frequency/vibration.

Another problem is ‘dark energy’. Dark energy allegedly makes up 68.3% of the observable universe. It is claimed that dark energy is causing the alleged ‘expansion of the universe’ to accelerate. However, not only is there no evidence for this alleged ‘dark energy’ but even in theory, there literally cannot be any evidence for it. Why? Well because ‘energy’ is not even a real thing at all. Energy is only an abstract concept which is used in mathematics. It therefore does not make any sense to claim that 68.3% of the observable universe is composed of a ‘dark concept’. This is a logical fallacy called ‘reification’.

The CMB is claimed to be the "after-glow" of the Big Bang. But in reality, there is no reason to make such an assumption.

The so-called “Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation” is also used as evidence, even though this has absolutely nothing to do with the Big Bang. Radiation/light (as discussed above) requires a physical aether medium. So what this really means is that there is a physical medium of vibrating particles throughout space. Ironically, a lot of pre-Big Bang theories actually predicted the temperature of the observable universe much more accurately than the big bang theory did. So the CMB cannot be used as evidence for a Big Bang. It really has nothing to do with it at all.

If the universe was never created in a ‘Big Bang’, then the only rational alternative is that the universe has simply ‘always been here’. It is eternal.

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