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How It Feel When Time Get Paused?

To travel with speed of light we need to generate acceleration of . Everyone think that this is impossible to gain that acceleration but that is possible. Sorry Einstein but you are wrong.

To gain that acceleration we need an engine which generates backward force of to get the work of .

When we generate this amount of force we beat the intercosmic force which is applying on us (simply unbalance the force) and we start travel with speed of light means travelling with time.

Suppose that you have a spaceship name “Astrotech” which is suitable in travelling with speed of light. You also have an engine name “Skyline” able to grab acceleration of speed of light and you wearing suit name “Iron Man” which is not affected by 4 dimensional environments. You are going to start your journey from the sun. You put the throttle up which starts the incredible journey of time on the spaceship “Astrotech”. Look out from the window everything just stopped and you see just long rays passing outside the window. Everything is just stopped inside the spaceship with a strange deep silence nothing is moving even a clock. Now look you put your hand on the chest try to feel heartbeat but stop it is not beating you are so scared.

Along the deep silence you are moving, look out the window never ending long rays passing some of the rays are mercury but you can’t able to see it because everything outside just appear you as like long rays I will clear it later. Now once again look yourself you are trying to breath but heart is not beating your body is not working just small motions you can do. You are alive because your cells are deep freeze. Now go to the kitchen take some ice look at it but is not melting. Now try to put fire in it but it still not melting. Oh fire but cannot feel warmness but don’t touch it is still too hot.

Try to extinguish fire put some water on it but fire is still burning without releasing heat and look towards water it is calm as like the surrounding environment. Once again look outside the window rays are still passing and look something passed back ah you can’t able to see everything appear like a ray and the planet left behind is Venus. Come back to kitchen take a magnet and metallic object and try to stick them and that’s not working why? Because your surrounding is converted into 4D from 3D and ordinary force can’t work here.

Once again look outside the window rays are calmly passing but wait that’s our Earth try to revolve around it. You did it just in 2 seconds. Come back to kitchen take some food out and put it on the table. Now try to feel your heartbeat it beat once, fire set quite extinguish, small part of ice is melted, magnet worked for awhile and what just happening to all the things why they worked for awhile? That is a cosmic time means time is passed. Look out the window rays are still passing but some in that rays mars also left behind. Now the way is full of rocks it is an asteroid belt but your navigated propulsion changed the route and safely pass it in just a sec. Everything is appearing like deep silence is soaking them inside itself nothing is working time is stopped and work in a interval of cosmic time. You have travelled a long, now Jupiter passed away. Oh Jupiter means 1hour passed inside the spaceship. Look around yourself many things changed clock showing 1 more hour where you started. Try to listen music but it is not working due to interior environment is not able to propagate sound in air. This was due you are travelling with speed of light. Have you noticed that what? The rays are passed away now you are in deep dark universe. Rays are passed away now dots are appearing some are too large of spiral shape and some are too small like a star everything outside now moving slowly but that’s an optical illusion which show you that they are going back. You see some dense blank completely black spaces between the dots but these places are not blank these places are filled by asteroids, planets having no group and star, blackholes and many unexplored objects, and some of the galaxies unreachable light.

Now your heart beat many times you feel ok now because you spent a lot of time with travelling speed of light. Fire extinguished, ice melted, breathed many times, food which we brought out from the kitchen is going to spoil and all the things which we had done is executed. Now you feel some kind of strange presence around you. The space time is getting dense and a strong force acting on you what is it? Yeah that’s a black hole but don’t be so scare of this you can’t going inside due to our navigated propulsion system and we are far away from the event horizon. If you curious to know what happen if we get inside black hole so see,

You passed the danger but suddenly rays are again appearing as like before. You are in Andromeda galaxy and now 4 hours passed in the clock you are in a completely new galaxy. But you can’t see anything because everything appears like ray. After some time these rays are also passed away once again that deep dark universe but you heard sound of you music many times but having many intervals between them. The entire universe is just soaking into deep silence for you and the whole journey will last up to infinity because the end of the universe does not exist according to many theories. But this is the end of the journey for us. Throughout the journey you are travelling with speed of light and environment around you is 4 dimensional worlds. Hope you like the trip next time we go to explore the planets which are lookalike our earth so start your packing because it going a long journey.

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